Episode 11: Serena Kaur


Serena Kaur’s debut novel ‘All The Words Unspoken’ was published by RedDoor Press in 2020, so Babble kicks off 2021 with an interview with her. The interview might start with a bit of a horror story of Serena’s first experience with finding an agent, but the happy ending is imminent based on the existence of her delightful novel.

Serena tells us why it was important for her to write a story that spoke to her own British-Asian community, and how often books are written for the white gaze. Serena manages to pack vitally important societal and interpersonal issues into a readable and enjoyable novel, including mental health, arranged marriage, prejudice, abortion, grief, loss, love, homophobia, self-love and self-hate, friendship, fulfilment, and all the secrets we keep and words we choose not to speak as a means of preservation.


Episode 12: Christina Thatcher


Episode 10: James Hendry